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[2015-12-25 05:53:24]

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God is coming

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву G
  • Исполнитель: Jesus Culture with Martin Smith
  • Альбом: Live from New York
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 13
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Другое название: Jesus culture with Marin Smith
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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In this moment here I am 
All I have is in Your hands
You stole my heart so I will wait for you

Your fire of love is breaking through 
The old is gone there's something new
You won my heart so I will wait for You

For my God is coming (Ooh) 
We can hear that Heavens roar
Hold on get ready for the glory of the Lord

Here He comes, running to find me
King of the universe
Yes, our God is the God Who saves
Here He comes, to light up the darkness
Forever glorious
Yes, our God is the God Who saves

In that world that's torn apart
Give us courage, give us heart
Only You can raise the dead to life

Keep our voices, make us strong
Fills hake the world with heaven's song
Only You can take what's wrong and make it right 



Great is the Lord 
You are Lord 
God is the great 


Добавлено: 30 янв 2013 | ILJC