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Dream for You

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву D
  • Исполнитель: Casting Crowns
  • Альбом: Thrive
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 8
  • Подобрано: VeD
  • Песни альбома:


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Hey, David, I hear youve been dreaming
About being a big time shepherd some day
Youre gonna prove your brothers wrong
Youre gonna sing your shepherd song
To the cattle on a thousand hills
But Ive been thinking

Im having trouble with a giant down the road
Youre the one whos going to face him toe to toe
Wipe that grin right off his face
And whip this army into shape
Im going to turn the nation back to Me
And David, youre right about one thing
Your little shepherd songs are going to make the whole 
world sing
And Im gonna make you king

So come on, let Me dream, let Me dream for you
I am strong when youre weak and Ill carry you
So let go of your plan, be caught by My hand
Ill show you what I can do
When I dream for you
I have a dream for you

Hey Mary, Ive heard youve been dreaming
Making plans for your big wedding day
You and Joseph are gonna be
The picture perfect family
Maybe a couple of kids down the road
But Ive been thinking

Even before time began
I had a picture perfect plan
Of how to save this broken world
Through the life of just one man
Im gonna send my only Son
And Mary, youre the one
You were right about one thing
Youre gonna have that family
And youre gonna raise a King

Im stronger than you think I am
Ill take you farther than you think you can
You sing and call me Great I Am
So take your stand
My child, if you only knew
All the plans that I have for you
Just trust me, I will follow through
You can follow Me


Добавлено: 23 янв 2014 | VeD