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Come Find Me

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It works best to utilize alternate picking here, and if
you can get it up to speed it sounds
really cool. 
The song is in the key of B major.

It changes between B and E for most of it (including the
chorus). The only parts that differ
are the prechorus and the bridge ("Oh, day, what a
day..."). Those use G#m and F#. 

Here's the main riff that comes in periodically
throughout the song, and is traded off 
between guitar and keyboard.


The one who I've searched for
For so long has come
With open arms
Today is the day of glory
Today is the day I'm home

Oh day, what a day
Oh day, I'm yours
Oh day of resurrection

You come and find me, find me and I
Oh I come alive
I come alive
What can I do but offer my life
And I come alive
Oh I come alive

Today is the day I rise like the dawn
Up out of death
To a Son, to a Son
Oh day, what a day
Oh day, I'm yours
Oh day of resurrection

You come and find me, find me and I
Oh I come alive
I come alive
What can I do but offer my life
And I come alive
Oh I come alive

Beat the drum and say no more
The heart and mind and soul have flown
Oh what am I to do
Oh what am I to do

Beat the drum and say no more
Drift away with you my love
Oh what am I to do
Oh what am I to do
But surrender
To you

You come and find me, find me and I
Oh I come alive
I come alive
What can I do but offer my life
And I come alive
Oh I come alive

You come and find me, find me and I
Oh I come alive
I come alive
What can I do but offer my life
And I come alive
Oh I come alive


Добавлено: 30 июн 2013 | Eugene