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Call To Worship

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  • Исполнитель: Vicky Beeching
  • Альбом: Yesterday, Today And Forever
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 2
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Call To Worship - Vicky Beeching

The blazing sunrise, the endless oceans
The spinning planets all reveal their Maker's power
They shout His glory, they shine His beauty
Their voices cry an invitation to us all

They are summoning every soul
Summoning every soul

This is a call to worship
Let it echo all around the earth
This is a call to bow down
And give God the glory, He deserves

We have gathered, to praise our Maker
We've come to worship Him for we have heard the call
Let every nation and all creation
Join us worshiping the holy God of all

As we cry out to all of this world
Cry out to all of this world

This is a call to worship
Let it echo all around the earth
This is a call to bow down
Give God the glory

This is a call to worship
Let it echo all around the earth
This is a call to bow down
And give God the glory, He deserves

To the north and the south
Let this invitation resonate
To the east and the west
Let this invitation resonate

Till the north and the south
Till the east and the west
Overflow with praise

This is a call to worship
Let it echo all around the earth
This is a call to bow down
Give God the glory

This is a call to worship
Let it echo all around the earth
This is a call to bow down
And give God the glory
And give God the glory, He deserves



Call to worship.pdf

Добавлено: 10 окт 2011 | Eugene