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Between The Cherubim

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  • Исполнитель: Misty Edwards
  • Альбом: Relentless
  •       Misty Edwards/Only A Shadow
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 5
  • Тематика: Бог  Пророческое Поклонение  Евангелизация  
  • Песни альбома:


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© 2007 Misty Edwards
Between The Cherubim   *Hos 6, Ps 80

1. We will awaken the dawn with a song in the night
For a new day will come just as sure as the sun will 
Though deep darkness prevail for the night weeping 
Yet Your light will not fail You won't rest until my 
righteousness shines

You Who dwell between the cherubim 
To You we cry
O Shepherd of Israel 
Restore and cause Your face to shine
Don't remember our former sins 
Let Your mercy speedily come
O Shepherd of Israel 
Restore and cause Your face to shine

2. Though we're feasting on the bread of affliction
and the water of tears is our wine
We won't draw back but we'll run to
You for we know it's just a matter of time
You will answer the cry of Your people and
Your ear is attentive to these sighs
So we lift up our voice to You and we sing in the 
dawning light

For the glory of Your Name 
For Your glory and your fame
Though the earth be removed 
We lift our hands to only You
For the glory of Your Name 
For Your glory and Your fame
Though the nations rage toward You 
Let our love remain true


Добавлено: 16 мар 2008 | Fiery Voice