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Baptize my heart

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву B
  • Исполнитель: Misty Edwards
  • Альбом: Always on His mind
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 7
  • Песни альбома:


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Gm F Cm D 

I can hear the song
Of the Creator as He sings over His creation:

"I played the flute... Did you dance?
I sang the wedding song over you... Were you romanced?
I played the funeral song... Did you lamented?
I told you My judgments were in the land...
But did, did you repented?

For even children know when to dance!
And even children know when to lament..."

What should I like to do this generation
My children in the market place
We sing: ...

Of the Flame
The only safe place is in You

Gm F Cm D 
Baptize my heart with Your fire, desire
Gm F 
I don’t want to be offended,
I don’t want to be offended 
Cm D 
I don’t want to be offended
when it’s all coming down 

I wanna be for You
Not against You
I wanna be with You where You are (repeat x4)

Gm F 
I pledge my allegiance to Jesus, Jesus 
Gm F 
I pledge my allegiance to the Lamb

When the nations arising against You
The nations (x2)
I wanna be where You are
Sweet with the wicket
I wanna be where You are
-the only safe place-

Baptize my heart with Your fire,
Desire, Jesus (Repeat x4)

I don't want to be offended, no
I don't want to be offended
I don't want to be offended
When it's all coming down

Gm F 
I pledge my allegiance to Jesus, Jesus 
Gm F 
I pledge my allegiance to the Lamb

Once again You are going to shake everything
that can be shaken
Jesus desire of the nations
The only, only safe place is in the center

I pledge my allegiance to Jesus, to Jesus
I pledge my allegiance to the Lamb
(repeat x3)

From the son of David
To the Jewish carpenter from Nazareth
When it is all coming down
When the nations arising against Him
Humm... I pledge my allegiance to Jesus Christ of Nazareth
The Jewish King, The Son of David, The Slave Lamb

Alfa I Know that He is the Magnificent obsession
And He is the desire of the nations
To Turn it all around
Its just a matter of time . . .
I am going to choose this day to love Him, to serve Him
I am going to choose this day to clean the hills…….alone
I pledge my allegiance to Jesus, to Jesus
I pledge my allegiance to the Lamb
Is all coming down…

Once again You can shake everything that can be shaking
Oh Righteous Judge of the nations
Beautiful Bridegroom
Lover of my soul
Do what you have to do
Just come
Come to make the wrong things right
Come to turn the darkness flight
Turn the world upside down, ‘cause
There is no peace until You come back

Jesus until You return
Return, return, return,
Return, return, return

Jesus please come back
Creation is growing and waiting, waiting and growing,
growing and waiting,
Waiting and growing, growing and waiting
For your return
You are the only Man of Peace
That we want
You are the only King that we cry to come again
…Return …Jesus come
…Come again Jesus…


Добавлено: 02 фев 2010 | rudik