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Anybody Out There?

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву A
  • Исполнитель: Burlap To Cashmere
  • Альбом: Anybody Out There?
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 5
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Евангелизация  
  • Песни альбома:


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"Anybody Out There?"
By Burlap to Cashmere
Off the album "Anybody Out There?"
Written by Steven Delopoulos
(C) 1997 Steven Delopoulos Publishing (ASCAP)

For Verse 1, use a picking pattern like this:
   Bm           A

Intro: Bm

Verse 1:
Sometimes while I'm driving
 A                 Bm
Trying to find my song

Looking for the answers
     A           Bm
And where I do belong
Finally the children are
 A                Bm
Bringin' me back home

Chorus:(for first time, use a similar picking pattern to
that above)
  Bm      A       G
Ooooooh ooooooh ooooooh
             A        Bm  [Bm(add 4)/A]   Bm
Is there anybody out there
        A     G    G/F#   Em
Does anybody care
Are there people really there
          A        G
Ooooooh ooooooh oooooooh
             A     Bm   [Bm(add 4)/A]   Bm
Is there anybody seeking
         A    G   G/F#  Em
Does anybody see
Or are they deaf and dumb like me

Verse 2:
Sometimes while I'm driving
 A              Bm
Looking for my song

Looking for the answers
     A           Bm
And where I do belong
Finally the children are
 A                Bm
Bringin' me back home

repeat chorus

Verse 3:
Sometimes while I'm driving
 A                 Bm
Still looking my song

Looking for the answers
     A           Bm
And where I do belong
Finally Sweet Jesus is
 A                Bm
Bringin' me back home

repeat chorus

guitar solo(see below)

Chorus 2:(Same chords)
Ooooooh ooooooh ooooooh
Is there anybody out there
Does anybody care
Are there people really there
Ooooooh ooooooh ooooooh
Is there anybody seeking
Does anybody see
That He died upon a tree

Solo Part:




              A        G

     A       Bm                                        A

 G                  G/F#             Em

Chords:                       Key:

Bm:          x24432           []: play chord first time only
Bm(add 4)/A: x04430               don't play chord first
A:           x02220           v:  vibrato
G:           320033           /:  slide up
G/F#:        2x0033           \:  slide down
Em:          022000           b:  bend
                              p:  pull off


Добавлено: 16 май 2012 | Eugene