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All That Really Matters

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву A
  • Исполнитель: Matt Redman
  • Альбом: We shall not be shaken
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 11
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Original is capo at 3 in G which equals key of Bb.
Intro (all in, 4x with piano riff)
G     Em7      Dsus4

Verse 1 (guitars only)
G       Em7   Dsus4                  G     

Let our lives become a song for You  like a prayer that
Em7      Dsus4
reaches high
     Em7           C2                Am7      Dsus4
The glory of Your name our greatest chorus

^Verse 2 (all in)^
G       Em7     Dsus4           G       Em7      Dsus4
Let our lives become an offering  ever pleasing to Your
     Em7           C2               Am7    Dsus4
The glory of Your name our highest call

Chorus 1
C    G     Em   Dsus4         C         G       Dsus4

All that really mat - ters all that really counts is
found in Yo
C    G   Em    Dsus4                         C2
What else would we live  for       You're the Way the
Life the Truth
Am7                        G   Em7 Dsus4          G  
Em7   Dsus4
And all that really matters is You        Jesus it's You

Verse 3
G       Em7    Dsus4                   G    Em7     D
Let our lives become a light for You   like a city  on 
 a hill
      Em7           C2         Am7        Dsus4
We'll glorify Your name forevermore      Lord


Bridge (start lightly, build and repeat as desired)
Em7           C2               G                    D
King of glory be the center    King of glory You'll be
the prize
Em7               C2              G                       D
We shall have no other treasure   all that counts is You
lifted high

Chorus 2 (slight break before)
                 C    G   Em  Dsus4                    C
        G       Dsus4
All that really mat - ters           all that really
counts is found in You
                    C    G   Em    Dsus4               
What else would we live  for       You're the Way the
Life the Truth
    Am7                         C2     G      Em7      Dsus4
And all that really matters is You
                 C2         G       Dsus4              
      C    G    Em
All that really counts is found in You   What else would
we live  for
Dsus4                         C2        Am7            
You're the Way the Life the Truth  and all that really
matters is You

         Em7      Dsus4                       G
All that matters  all that really matters is You (repeat)

End Tag
G     Em7    Dsus4




Добавлено: 03 окт 2011 | Eugene