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About God

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  • Исполнитель: Rita Springer
  • Альбом: Effortless
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 3
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Евангелизация  
  • Песни альбома:


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"About God"
by Rita Springer | from the album Effortless

I have thought about God
And my own life’s existence
And it’s not like I’ve not been on my knees, in repentance
Bigger than life, and out on my own
I’ve come to these conclusions, about G-od

I have thought about God
When searching for solutions
Disappointment and cost
Birthing such confusion
Surrendered my trust, to the truth, not a system
And to G-od

How can we walk, underneath an open sk-y
How can we say we have eyes
And yet we can be so blind
You have your race and religion and I, guess I have mine
What about, G-od

I had thought about God
When my own father was dying
I thought the idea, of death, and its timing
I turned the other cheek
Only because I was crying
Out to G-od

What about, G-od

Do you think about, God

You can look through the windows, of a stained-glass, cathedral
You can speak in tongues, in a church, with a steeple
Who holds the keys, to your own, heart’s temple
I wonder if it’s, G-od
I wonder if it’s, G-od

Do you ever, think about, God


Добавлено: 21 мар 2013 | Eugene