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Альбом: You are my World

Исполнитель: Hillsong Music Australia

Год: 2001

Описание: Seldom do I ever hear a praise and worship CD where every song is a keeper. But this CD has not a single weak link. Every song swept me into new heights of worship. When I first listened to this latest release from Hillsongs, my intent was to do some chores around the apartment while the music played in the background. Well, the chores had to wait. I was transfixed and, frankly, amazed. I knew right away I was listening to one of the best worship CDs ever produced. The best part is, every one of these songs is singable by a congregation, something that, as a worship leader, I greatly appreciate. Highlights? Too many to mention, but I'll mention a few. "God is Great" is a rocker that would be right at home in a compilation of the best modern P&W coming out of the Passion movement. "All Of My Days" is a heartfelt mid-tempo praise song to God for all His wonders and mighty deeds. "Emmanuel" may just beat every other song by that name. "Everything That Has Breath" is an uptempo amalgamation of some of the great praise Psalms. "Irresistable", "You Are My World", "To You", I could just go on and on. This CD never lets up. As a worship leader, I give it my highest recommendation.