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Альбом: Worship

Исполнитель: MorningStar

Год: 1996

Описание: Never have we seen so many devoted worshipers and intercessors gathered with such serious devotion and anointing. This recording is from that gathering. The worship in the first session lasted two and a half hours at a level of intensity we had never seen sustained before. Amazingly, almost every meeting after it seemed to go even higher. Many times every available space in the auditorium was filled with people dancing with all their might before the Lord. Before it was over, we would hear and see things we had never experienced before. I have been in many great meetings and conference, but I have never felt the presence of the Lord in a meeting like this. He truly inhabited the praises of His people. It was therefore our goal that this recording would somehow capture the sense of the presence of the Lord that was there. Much of what came forth was spontaneous and is a true 'live' recording. The church is called to be both the Bride of Christ and His Army. This divine militancy is preceding a great spiritual advance, and worshipers and warriors are starting to pick up the cadence. There was such an impartation coming from the militant cadence at this conference that we could almost see the increase in spiritual resolve of those present. Our prayer is that the same resolve to follow our king, and to do all things for the sake of the gospel will be imparted by this recording. It is time to worship with all of our hearts, and it is time to march forth with the resolve that comes from knowing that the name of Jesus will prevail over all evil, that light is stronger than darkness, and will triumph, He has conquered. It is time to go forth with the proclamation of His victory. - Rick Joyner Tracks: Oh, Jah!: Leonard Jones Dance Into the Land: Leonard Jones and Mathew Donavan Mighty God: Leonard Jones Creator of the Universe: Leonard Jones and Mathew Donavan God of Peace: Leonard Jones Rise In Me: Mathew Donavan