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Unto you a Savior is born (Thomas Thomassen)

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Автор: Thomas Thomassen
Copyright: Joy Church Almaty, 2015

Verse 1:
The shepherds in the fields 
Kept watching over sheep 
When angel of the Lord came over 
And glory shone around them bright 

They stood in awe and fright
But angel then replied:
Fear not! I brought you good news that
Will cause great joy for all the earth!

Unto you has been born today in the city of king David
'A Savior who is Christ the Lord
Unto you has been born today in the city of king David
'A Savior who is Christ the Lord

Verse 2:
And this shall be a sign
In a manger you will find 
'A baby wrapped in swaddling clothes
Who'll save the nations on the cross

The angel suddenly 
Was joined by a company 
Of great and countless heavenly hosts 
In singing praises to the Lord

[and the angels sing]
Glory to God in the highest heaven 
Peace in earth and God's favor in men


Добавлено: 17 фев 2017 | SongPasha

  • SongPasha | 17 Февраль 2017, 10:42:24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=198ir6-uF2I
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