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Holy Moment

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву H
  • Исполнитель: Matt Redman
  • Альбом: Blessed be Your name: The Songs of Matt Redman, vol.1
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 2
  • Песни альбома:


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Key: G
Verse 1:
As we come today, 
we remind ourselves of what we do
That these songs are not 
just songs but signs of love for you
This is a holy moment now, 
something of heaven touches earth
Voices of angels all resound 
- we join their song

Come, Come, Come, let us worship God
With our hands held high
And our hearts bowed down
we will Run, Run, Run, 
through Your gates O God
With a shout of love     with a shout of love

Verse 2:
Lord with confidence, 
we come before Your throne of grace
Not that we deserve to come, 
but You have paid the way
You are the holy King of all, 
heaven and earth are in Your hands
All of the angels sing Your song 
- we join them now

Let this be a holy moment now
Let this be a holy moment now


Добавлено: 04 мар 2008 | Ирина