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Crowned with Many Crowns

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  • Исполнитель: Paul Wilbur
  • Альбом: Praise Adonai
  •       Paul Wilbur/Jerusalem Arise!
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 6
  • Песни альбома:


<< - Показать версию c аккордами - >>

O the glory of the Lord has come,
His Spirit filling everyone.
We were born for such a time as this
For the Lamb of God is in our midst.

O the glory of the Lord has come (Holy, Ho-ly),
His Spirit filling everyone (Holy is the Lord)
We were born for such a time as this (Holy, Ho-ly)
For the Lamb of God is in our midst (Holy is the Lord)


You are crowned with many crowns, Yeshua Ha-Ma-schi-a
Every heart will bow, to the King of Israel
Our praise will be Your throne, Yeshua Ha-Ma-schi-a
And all the earth will know You're the King of Israel

Lai lai lai lai, lai lai lai lai,
Lai lai lai lai, lai lai lai.

O the glory of the Lord is here (Holy, Holy)
For the Lion of the tribe is near (Holy is the Lord)
We have come for such a time as this (Holy, Holy)
For the Lamb of God is in our midst (Holy is the Lord)


Written by John Sellers
Copyright: 1984 Integrity's Hosanna! Music


Добавлено: 06 янв 2008 | rudik

  • Guest | 22 Сентябрь 2014, 22:18:20 Слава Господа пришла сейчас
    (Святый, Святый)
    Его Дух Святой сошел на нас
    (Святый наш Господь)
    Мы на это время рождены
    (Святый, Святый)
    Наш Господь достоин всех хвалы
    (Святый, Святый)
    Ты - Царь среди царей
    Иисус Господь - Мессия
    Восхвалят все сердца Царя Израиля
    Пред троном воспоем: Иисус Господь - Мессия
    Пусть знает вся земля, Ты - Царь Израиля