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Альбом: God He Reigns

Исполнитель: Hillsong Music Australia

Год: 2004

Описание: Old meets new. This is the best way to describe "God He Reigns", the 14th live CD from Hillsong Music Australia. Hillsong has spent their last few live CDs slowly integrating the youthful energy and music of younger Hillsong worship leaders like Joel Houston and Marty Samson with the distinctive Hillsong sound already established by Darlene Zschech, Reuben Morgan and others. Like with any time of transition, this blending of old and new Hillsong made for a couple of inconsistent sounding moments in some of their more recent CDs. But this is not the case with "God He Reigns" which signals the successful merging of two generations of Hillsong worship.