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Альбом: Alive and Transported

Исполнитель: TobyMac

Год: 2008

Описание: Alive and Transported is a live album by Christian hip hop artist tobyMac. It was released on May 27, 2008 and debuted at No. 112 on the Billboard 200,[3] and also placed at No. 4 on Billboard's Top Christian Albums chart. It is currently sold as a CD/DVD combo (audio tracks on the CD and videos of the live show, along with other special features, on the DVD). The live show recorded for the album was also played on Monday, June 9, 2008, in movie theaters.[4] The film was filmed at the Richard E. Berry Educational Support Center in Cypress, Texas. At the 51st Grammy Awards of February 2009, Alive and Transported won the Best Rock or Rap Gospel Album award.[5] TobyMac said, "It's an honor to win my first Grammy as a solo artist. I still can't believe it, it's truly humbling. My band and I worked hard on this project and it really is the culmination of diverse people collaborating."[