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It's Rising Up

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It's Rising Up 

by Matt Redman

It's rising up from coast to coast,
from north to south, and east to west;
the cry of hearts that love your name,
which with one voice we will proclaim.

The former things have taken place,
can this be the new day of praise?
and reaches out to all the earth.

Oh, let the cry to nations ring,
that all may come and all may sing:

"Holy is the Lord."
"Holy is the Lord."

And we have heard the Lion's roar,
that speaks of heaven's love and power.
Is this the time, is this the call
that ushers in Your kingdom rule?

Oh, let the cry to nations ring,
that all may come and all may sing:

"Jesus is alive!"
"Jesus is alive!"


Добавлено: 08 июл 2008 | Eugene