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Hate The World Today

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву H
  • Исполнитель: Starfield
  • Альбом: Tumbling After
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 8
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Capo 3


Verse pregression:


(repeat for duration of chorus)


Hate the World Today

As much as it thrills me
I wanna get off this ride
For gravity holds me
Yet grace calls me to Your side
As much as I trust You
Though I know that hope will come with time
Injustice prevails
And truth lags behind

Looking for beauty
Searching for sense in all the pain
Can You hear me calling?
Have You been listening to my cry?
Cause I can't carry on
If I don't find out why

I hate the world today
But I love this life you have given
I hate the world today
But I love you and I need you here

Though stuck in this moment
Everything good still comes from you
As much as I don't know
I'm trusting that you will carry me through
Though thousands are falling
Though comfort and peace are beyond reach
I'll offer my heart
I'll try to believe

It's pulling me to peices
In a fight for my soul
These two worlds are waging war
The falling of humanity
And the truth that although
I can't see with my eyes
I'm still trying to believe


1° Parte
As much as it thrills me
I wanna get off this ride
Gravity holds me
Yet grace calls me to Your side
As much as I trust You
Though I know that hope will come with time
Injustice prevails
And truth lags behind

2° Parte
Looking for beauty
Searching for sense in all the pain
Can You hear me calling?
Have You been listening to my cry?
Cause I can't carry on
If I don't find out why

I hate the world today
But I love this life you have given
I hate the world today
But I love you and I need you here

3° Parte igual a 1°

Though stuck in this moment

Everything good still comes from you

As much as I don't know

I'm trusting that you will carry me through

Though thousands are falling

Though comfort and peace are beyond reach

I'll offer my heart

I'll try to believe

I hate the world today
But I love this life you have given
I hate the world today
But I love you and I need you here.....I need you

It's pulling me to peices
In a fight for my soul
These two worlds are waging war
The falling of humanity
And the truth that although
I can't see with my eyes
I'm still trying to believe  


Добавлено: 04 май 2013 | Eugene