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Children Of The Light

Перейти к списку песен, названия которых начинаются на букву C
  • Исполнитель: Hillsong Music Australia
  • Альбом: Cornerstone
  • Язык: Русский
  • Номер дорожки: 9
  • Песни альбома:


<< - Показать версию c аккордами - >>

We are children, children of the light,
we are shining in the darkness of the night,
pray for this world,

joy through all the land,
touch the heart of everyone
take everybody's hand.

Verse 1
Come and gather round the flame,
share the light in his name,
we are children of the light.
As the wind blow where it will,
spread good news to everyone,
there's still plenty of time for we have just begun. 

We are children, children of the light,
we are shining in the darkness of the night,
pray for this world,

joy through all the land,
touch the heart of everyone
take everybody's hand.

Verse 2
Join the song of all the earth.
We've a dream, a dream to share
and a promise of rebirth.
Let the earth feel the warmth
of the love there in your heart.
We have many a dream and promises to keep.

Yes, we are children, children of the light,
we are shining in the darkness of the night,
pray for this world,

joy through all the land,
touch the heart of everyone
take everybody's hand.
Touch the heart of everyone,
take everybody's hand!


Добавлено: 18 июл 2012 | alvinka

  • Guest | 04 Август 2012, 16:58:17 не та песня