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Be The Praise Of My Heart

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  • Исполнитель: Phillips, Craig And Dean
  • Альбом: Let the Worshipers Arise
  • Язык: English
  • Номер дорожки: 7
  • Подобрано: Eugene Seredyuk
  • Тематика: Поклонение  Прославление  
  • Песни альбома:


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Be The Praise Of My Heart

Intro: Ab Absus:|

Verse 1:
Not just a song I sing to you and not just some motions
that I’m going through
You know me well, you see my life, the good and the bad
You see beyond, the face that I wear, and You see my
soul laid open and bare.
Here in this place, this is my hope, this is my prayer.

The Praise of my heart, the worship I bring, the life
that I live is the song that I sing,
Let it be real, each note that I play, every moment of
every  day,
Be the praise of my heart,            be the praise of
my heart,                     be the praise of my heart.

Verse 2:
Not just with my lips, and not from afar, let me draw
close the beauty You are
Here in Your heart to see in your face, that’s my desire
One thing I ask, one thing I seek, to dwell in Your
house, to sit at your feet,
To look in Your Eyes and gaze on the One, who makes me


Heart,              Be the praise of my heart,

|:Eb Ebsus:| (Ad Lib Ending)

Artist: Phillips, Craig, and Dean
Album: Let the Worshipers Aries
Written By: Dan Dean, Gary Sander
Released: 2004


Добавлено: 02 ноя 2012 | Eugene

  • Guest | 02 Ноябрь 2012, 21:36:24 Какая классная песня! Может у кого-то есть перевод?