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Above It All

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Above It All
Building 429
Space In Between Us | Track 2


Oh I'm waiting for the answer to the question in my soul
Lord why did you lead me here?
'Cause I, I take a look around and a desperate world
surrounds me
I know I'm not of this place, but its here and in my face

All that I am wants to run
God I feel helpless and undone

Lift me up above it all
I'm feeling broken and alone
Don't let me turn to stone
Lift my heart above it all
I've lost my hope tonight
And I'm praying for the strength to carry on
Lord will you lift me above it all

    Above it all

Now I'm waiting for a glimpse of hope in an eye
But a flash of sunlight shows a faded gray
Cause these streets are hard and cold
And the alleys burn like coal with a stench of helplessness
And all the life that's been misspent

Maybe I'm not supposed to fly
Maybe you want me here tonight

To lift them up above it all
When they're broken and alone
Don't let me turn to stone
Lift them up above it all
Cause they cannot stand alone
And they're praying for the strength to carry on
Lift us up above it all
When we're broken and alone
Don't let us turn to stone
Lift us up above it all
Because we cannot stand alone
And we're praying for the strength to carry on
Lord will you lift us up above it all


Intro | Verse 1 | Pre-chorus | Chorus 1 | Tag | Verse 2
| Pre-Chorus | Chorus 1 | Tag | 
Bridge | Chorus 2 | Outro


Добавлено: 29 июн 2012 | Eugene